Category: sexting

  • Einfach geghostet? Sex, Mädchen, Frauen

    Choose a Girl Die Schule nimmt als Informationsquelle den dritten Rang, Gespräche mit Peers und Experten und Expertinnen Rang vier ein (vgl. Ziegler/Steinritz/Kayser 2013, 310). Parallelen zu den eingangs erwähnten soziologischen Analysen zur Partnerwahl von Illouz (2012) ergeben sich für die Berufswahlthematik vor allem hinsichtlich der Bedeutung der Vorstellungskraft. Der Gebrauch der Vorstellungskraft gilt als…

  • Airbrushed Sexting: What We Can Learn From Snapchat

    Choose a Girl Despite the relative infrequency of sexting among the survey’s sample of users, the researchers found that Snapchat has a reputation for illicit messages that was discouraging some from downloading the app. As you may expect, Snapchat has been criticized for a long time for being a risky app for minors, with many…

  • Find KIK Girls

    Choose a Girl Frankfurt Egelsbach Airport (Flugplatz Frankfurt-Egelsbach) is a busy general aviation airport located south-east of Frankfurt Airport, near Egelsbach. Frankfurt offers a variety of restaurants, bars, pubs and clubs. Clubs concentrate in and around downtownand in the Ostend district, mainly close to Hanauer Landstraße. However, like mostly every app out there, there are…